3 Secrets To Reducing Commercial Door Repair & Maintenance Costs

The door is one of the first things potential customers and clients see when they enter your business. If it's not functioning correctly or creaking on its hinges, it can reflect poorly on your company. That's why keeping your doors in good working condition is essential.


A common complaint is that commercial door repair and maintenance is expensive - but it doesn't have to be – if you know the best door repair experts in Havre de Grace. In this blog post, Xpress Exterior Design, LLC will discuss 3 secrets that will help you reduce costs without compromising quality or safety.


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Tip 1: Lubricate and Clean

Top on our listicle of tips is to keep your door well-lubricated and clean. This will not only help it run smoothly but also increase its lifespan. A good rule of thumb is lubricating your door hinges, rollers, and tracks at least once a year.


Besides lubrication, use a damp cloth to wipe down your door every month. This will help eliminate any dirt, dust, or debris that could clog up the works and cause problems later down the line.


You might want to check for any corrosion or rust while at it and address those issues before wiping.


Tip 2: Adjust as Necessary

Another preventative measure is to ensure your door is properly adjusted. This goes for both automatic and manual doors.


If an automated door isn't closing correctly, it could signify that the photo-eyes need re-alignment. The same goes for if the door seems to be opening too far or not opening far enough.


As for manual doors, if the door is hard to open or close, it's likely due to the hinges being loose or in need of oil.


You will need to consult a professional for proper re-alignment, but you can do this independently for oiling hinges. Don't continue slamming the door shut - that will only make the problem worse in the long run!


Tip 3: Spot Check

A big part of maintenance is being proactive and catching issues before they have a chance to become more significant problems.


One way you achieve this is by regularly inspecting your doors and their components for any signs of wear or damage. The inspections should be carried out at least once a month, but more often if possible.


Be sure to check things like the door frame, the hinges, the tracks, the sensors (if your doors are automatic), and anything else that might need attention. If you notice corrosion on any metal parts or the batteries, clean or replace them as soon as possible.


Regular spot checks will help you catch problems early on before they can balloon into something more severe and expensive.


Wrapping Up

Those were 3 savvy secrets to help you reduce commercial door repair and maintenance costs.


If you need reliable, professional door repair services in Havre de Grace, MD, reach out to Xpress Exterior Design, LLC. We would be more than happy to help!


Get your estimate today!

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