5 Cladding Materials to Consider for Siding Installation Near You

Siding, also known as wall cladding, is an outer covering affixed on the exterior of a wall. Siding, together with the roof, constitutes the first layer of protection against climatic factors such as heat, snow, storm, and winds. Siding provides a more stable, pleasant atmosphere for the building's interior. The appearance and feel of the claddings are determined by the kind of siding material applied and the finishing.

Choosing the best siding for your house can be a bit difficult. Whether you're remodeling your entire home or building an addition, you must walk a fine line between curb appearance and practicality. There are a few considerations to make while choosing a siding; don't worry, we've got you sorted with this blog.

Xpress Exterior Design, LLC has been upgrading houses in Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania with over 50 years of combined experience. If you've found your permanent home, it must be adequately safeguarded from nature's wrath, which includes hard winters and scorching summers.

Vinyl Siding

For valid reasons, vinyl siding is currently the most favored siding choice. It is the least costly and also requires the least amount of maintenance.

Vinyl has evolved through time to resemble the appearance of wood siding material. Vinyl siding comes in every color available and can be put vertically, horizontally, or a combination of both for extra flare.


  • Fireproof up to 750 degrees
  • A variety of styles
  • Reasonably priced


  • Fades faster than other siding types
  • Highly sensitive to UV radiation and extreme weather conditions
  • It is susceptible to mold development and decaying sheathing if not fitted with a watertight barrier

Wood Siding

The most appealing aspect of wood siding is the realistic appearance that many homeowners want. However, that aesthetic is more expensive than vinyl, but it is entirely up to personal choice.

Wood siding is ideal for sustained environment exposure and is applicable in several treatments and finish variants.

An engineered wood siding may be a superior option for your house. It is less expensive, has the appearance of genuine wood, and is more sturdy than other artificial material alternatives. However, with this substance, maintenance is vital. If the resin coating is worn, it becomes susceptible to moisture.


  • Provides a traditional appearance in a variety of fashions
  • One of the more environmentally friendly alternatives 
  • It is more adaptable and customizable


  • Combustible and a fire hazard
  • It is not long-lasting.
  • Refurbishment is necessary every few years

Fiber Cement Siding

Fiber cement siding is constantly gaining popularity. Its cost is similar to vinyl siding, but it is more lasting and has a more realistic appearance and feel.

It takes some upkeep over time. Fiber cement has to be retouched as it ages, although significantly less frequently than vinyl. 


  • Withstands extreme weather
  • Provides a wide range of styles
  • Minimal upkeep compared to other siding types


  • Installing is complex and costly
  • Absorbs moisture

Metal Siding

Many people consider metal only as a roofing material, but it is also becoming popular as an external siding material. It's durable, very simple to install, and available in several materials, including aluminum and steel. Metal siding requires almost minimum upkeep when it is installed.

Metal siding is long-lasting and resistant to extreme weather conditions such as snow and extreme heat. Metal siding, unlike natural wood siding, does not shrink, decay, or get infested by bugs. However, metal is a lousy insulator and is not soundproof. If you stay in a location with harsh weather or are vulnerable to external noises, this type may not be the optimal siding choice.


  • Extremely long-lasting and low-maintenance
  • Installation is straightforward.
  • Fireproof and resistant to harmful pests


  • Poor insulation
  • Not impervious to sound; if you reside in a place with harsh weather or are intolerant to too many outside noises, this will be an issue.


AdobeStock_238511378Brick Siding

Brick is a timeless and traditional exterior cladding material that has been a construction industry standard for years, owing to its longevity. Unlike natural wood or vinyl siding, which fades in the sun, brick siding does not need to be repainted regularly. Brick is a reasonably low-maintenance alternative for external siding that, on average, will last about a century.

Brick siding, like wood and stone, gives a classical appearance to your home but is not inexpensive. There's a reason why it's a favorite option for residential siding. Brick siding is resistant to all natural forces it faces. It's essentially an extra layer of safety for your property. Furthermore, brick siding requires little attention and is immune to dents and crumbling.


  • Eco-friendly
  • Low-maintenance
  • Fire and weather resistant


  • Installation is costly
  • A watertight sealant is required
  • Color restrictions

Siding is not only a powerful instrument for decorating a home, but it is also an essential safety factor and an asset in the value of your property. Its sturdiness and cost vary according to the substance used. When selecting the best siding for your home, keep the advantages and disadvantages of each material in the account. 

Nowadays, there are many choices for designing the ideal exterior and making an informed decision. Although looks and beauty are always paramount to your home, you should also evaluate material longevity, barrier properties, simplicity of installation, and adaptability. Consult a siding specialist in your area to learn which choice suits your needs and budget.

Siding Installation Near You in Irving, TX

Xpress Exterior Design, LLC is an exterior house design and restoration firm based in Irving, TX, that offers top residential and commercial window and siding solutions. Our experts are well-versed in all aspects of custom renovation, including commercial and residential roofing, window installation, exterior painting, and more. Get a quote immediately or call us at 1-817-766-5054. You'll be happy you did!

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